Test & Learn DPS - important notice
The Department for Work and Pensions may soon advertise a number of opportunities and go out to tender via the Test & Learn Dynamic Purchasing System (T&L DPS). They want to warm up the market to these possible opportunities and DWP reserves the right not proceed to an invitation to tender. The opportunities currently under consideration are in the following areas:
- Local Supported Employment
- Quality and accreditations (Autism support and Occupational Health)
- Occupational Health
- Individual Placement Support
These opportunities may be via the following Service Lines on the T&L DPS:
- T2.1 In-Work Support
- T2.7 Quality
- T2.5 Health Interventions/Support
- T2.9 Support into Work (pre-employment support)
To be eligible to respond to any tender you MUST have an up to date accreditation on the Test & Learn DPS by the date the ITT is issued and we would therefore encourage you to undertake the actions below as soon as possible.
Please see page 12 of the attached application guide on how to check your accreditation status to ensure that your accreditation status hasn’t expired.
If your accreditation status has expired, to allow us to reinstate your accreditation status, please take the follow actions:
- Update the FVRA with the details for the latest financial year and resubmit as a new version
- Update the Legal Entity template, ensure that your company details on page 1 are still correct and update your financial details on page 2 for latest financial years
- Review that your submitted details are correct and amend if necessary
Review that your responses to the sections within the qualification envelope, ‘Part 2 - Grounds for mandatory exclusion’ and ‘Part 3: Selection Questions - Security of Information’ are still accurate and do not require amending.
Until these actions have been taken you will no longer be accredited and will not be eligible to bid for or invited to future call offs.