BASE Supported Employment Awards 2024

BASE Supported Employment Awards 2024

The BASE awards are an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful work that takes place across our Supported Employment community.

The 2024 Awards Dinner took place on the evening of 19th November at the Mercure Manchester Piccadilly. 

We were delighted that so many of the shortlisted nominees were able to join us for this celebratory event.

Severn Trent : Large Employer 2024

Left is a young woman wearing a green, velvet dress with long brown hair, she is smiling and has her arm on the shoulder of the man next to her. He has short brown hair, he is wearing glasses and a navy blue suit . He is holding up a glass award. Next is a tall white man, with dark short hair, wearing a suit. He is smiling. On the far right is a white woman with jaw-length blonde hair, she is wearing a black jumpsuit  and a smile  Next to him is  and tie har     













Highland Blindcraft : Small/Micro Employer 2024














Deirdre Aitken : Supported Employment Leader 2024










Andy Bissell : Supported Employment Practitioner 2024 
















Surrey Choices: Large Supported Employment Team 2024 















Guernsey Employment Trust : Small Supported Employment/Social Enterprise Team 2024 















Status Employment: Innovation Winner 2024 















Rosie Underhill : Learner of the Year 2024













Lisi Aerospace : Social Value Winner 2024  












Gerraint Jones-Griffiths : David Grainger Winner 2024 














Robbie Crow: Jurgen Donaldson Award Winner 2024  

Robbie Crow is smiling, standing on a stage at an awards presentation evening, holding an engraved glass award in his hand. Robbie is a white male with a blazer and maroon shirt on. He is stood with Laura Davis on his left is a white woman with blonde, straight, shoulder length hair , wearing a green jumpsuit, she’s smiling and has her arm around Robbie. On the right of Robbie, also with her arm around him ,is Kerrie Moncrieff , a woman with blonde shoulder-length wavy hair , wearing a plaid -patterned top and she’s smiling