Update on Supported Internships and Access to Work
We've had communication from the Department for Work and Pensions about the use of Access to Work within Supported Internships. Education providers have been able to claim Access to Work funding for job coaches supporting the employability of learners who are unable to be on placementt due to Covid-19. This funding was agreed to the end of January and theere has been uncertainty as to whether it will continue.
DWP have said that they are waiting for a ministerial decision on the continuation of Access to Work funding for remote employability activities post January 2021. They expect to receive the decision very shortly, but until then you can continue to use Access to Work funding for remote employability activities.
It is not possible to back claim Access to Work funding for remote support where an initial application for support has not been made.
DWP has also confirmed the requirement for "wet signatures" on Access to Work applications and claims.
The Supported Internship Access to Work advisory group is meeting on 16 February and we expect comprehensive provider guidance on the application and claims process to be issued around then. We will post all new documents and guidance at https://www.base-uk.org/knowledge/supported-internships-and-access-work