Supported Internship quality framework published

The Supported Internship Quality Framework has been published. It was developed for the Department for Education by the Education and Training Foundation and their centres of excellence. The framework has been developed over the last 6 months and aims to improve the quality of Supported Internships (SIs) provision and outcomes. BASE has fed into discussions and we have asked for a review of the framework in 12 months.

The framework contains 6 sections covering leadership, planning, partnership, readiness, progress and results. Each section contains a number of criteria which must be met to score a point for each. We hope to see detailed guidance on the scoring judgements for each criteria as many don't lend themselves to a yes/no answer. It is unclear how self-assessments will be monitored but we expect to see a peer review process. The framework is likely to be monitored through the forthcoming Strengthening Supported Internships support contract.

Aligned to the Supported Internships guidance, the Quality Assurance Framework should be used to determine the quality and success of Supported Internship provision. It will highlight programme strengths and should be used as an annual continuous improvement tool leading to an action plan.