Consultation on disability workforce reporting

The Government has published a consultation on disability workforce reporting. The consultation is one of the commitments in the National Disability Strategy and will run until 25 March 2022.

The consultation seeks views on how employers with more than 250 employees might be encouraged to collect and report statistics about disability to make their workforces more inclusive. They want to build an evidence base to better understand:

  • current reporting practices, and what works well
  • the case for and against implementing a mandatory approach to reporting
  • how a mandated approach to reporting, if adopted, might be implemented in practice
  • if there are alternative approaches that could also be taken to enhance transparency and increase inclusive practices.

There is widespread support for a framework of reporting on disability employment rates and the disability pay gap by companies that employ more than 250 people. It is one of the steps called for in the Disability Employment Charter which BASE has signed up to.

The consultation is available in different formats at