City Deals and Skills

Year of Publication: 

Over the last five years, various aspects of employment and skills policy have formed a significant element of devolution policies. City Deals and Growth Deals in particular have focused (to varying degrees) on aspects of youth employment programmes, adult skills provision and vocational training in order to respond to the needs of specific areas.

This report looks at how employment and skills policy has featured in the deals to date, reflecting on how these have supported local partners to develop more demand-led employment and skills systems. Based on the lessons learnt, it presents some recommendations on how this might be supported further.

This is the first report produced as part of a strategic partnership between the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) and Centre for Cities. The partnership will explore a range of issues with a focus on how to deliver more effective demand-led local employment and skills systems that equip individuals and employers with the skills needed for jobs and growth.