APPG on Youth Employment

Year of Publication: 

BASE submitted evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Youth Employment. The inquiry, Making Youth Employment Policy Work, seeks to understand Government spending announced in the Plan for Jobs, specifically the £3bn invested in existing and new programmes and schemes aimed at young people. You can access the full inquiry informationAttendee Brief and Minutes from the first meeting.

The second meeting of the inquiry began with a brief overview of the latest labour market statistics, with the headline figure of a 4.5% unemployment rate and 60% of those who have fallen out of employment since the beginning of the pandemic have been aged 16-24. This follows last months call from the Youth Employment Group (YEG) to create additional opportunities everyday. You can access the full inquiry informationAttendee Brief, and Minutes from the second meeting.

BASE has submitted evidence to this inquiry and you'll find it attached below.

BASE has joined the Youth Employment Group and will be working with partners to improve the employment prospects of disabled young people. We have also worked with partners to create the Access to Jobs campaign.

You can read the final APPG report.