Gloucestershire Cost-Benefit analysis
This analysis was commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) to identify the financial costs and benefits associated with GCC’s Employment Service (GES). The service sits within GCCs Employment and Enablement Team and currently provides beneficiaries, who mainly have learning disabilities, with support to enable them to access paid work.
There is sensitivity in the analysis according to which criteria is applied. Four alternative costs:benefits outcomes are presented along with the criteria applied for each in this report. When the most conservative calculation was applied, LA costs in the situation with GES (which combines the costs of directly funding GES with the in-work service costs to the LA) were £554,353 pa. This compared to £648,108 pa., calculated in avoidance costs based on an average cost to the LA for out of work band D service users. This produced a net balance of savings to the LA of £93,755 pa, returning £1.17 to the LA for every £1 it spends on the service.