Fulfilling Potential: Building Understanding

Year of Publication: 

The aims of ‘Fulfilling Potential: Building Understanding’ are:

  • to provide an analysis of the current evidence on disability in the UK to inform the development of the next stage of work on Fulfilling Potential – the development of actions, outcomes and indicators
  • to inform public understanding and prompt debate about disability and the issues faced by disabled people
  • to raise awareness, drive a change in attitudes and support an increase in commitment to improving the lives of disabled people in the UK today

The main document is structured in two parts:

  • Part 1 provides analysis of the number of disabled people in the UK as well as looking at the way disability develops over the life course and at the fluctuating nature of disability.
  • Part 2 focuses on the lives of disabled people by looking at trends in outcomes and barriers to taking part in different areas of life.

The evidence is structured around the Fulfilling Potential: Next Steps themes of early intervention; choice and control and inclusive communities.

The main document summarises the analytical evidence on disability. It does not make policy recommendations but the evidence presented here will inform the work of the Disability Action Alliance and the development of government policy on disability.

As well as the main document there is also a summary version. The summary version is available in Easy Read. Both the main document and the summary are available in Rich Text Format.
