Pure Innovations
Pure Innovations

Pure Innovations is a charity providing support services to enable people with a disability, learning difficulty, autism, emotional disorder or mental health condition to lead fulfilled lives.
Our wide range of services includes personalised Supported Employment delivered through our Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Working Well contract (part-financed by the European Social Fund.) We also have contracts with Manchester City and Stockport Councils.
Client support includes help with CVs, arranging working interviews where possible rather than formal ones and job coaching.
Other services include:
- Supported Internships for young people with an Education Health and Care plan. We have 10 Internship programmes supporting over 100 young people across Greater Manchester including Media City and Manchester Airport.
- Independent Travel Training to unlock access to education and employment opportunities.
- Personalised Education Programmes (PEPs), including supported work experience placements for young people plus workplace visits
- Café training in our own cafes plus accredited vocational courses for Day Service clients such as City and Guilds Awards in Horticultural Skills
- Support in finding and/or sustaining employment for people via our Stockport Mental Health Network (MHN) and the Wellbeing and Independence Network.
Eligibility criteria varies between services so please do contact us for more details.
Services offered: