United Colleges Group

City of Westminster College

Students on our Preparing for Adulthood, Learning for life and work, Skills for a work and IntoWork courses have access to our supported employment coordinator, who assists in finding students relevant work experience placements, volunteering opportunities and oversees the colleges innovation award winning mini job scheme.  The mini job scheme provides students with the opportunity to research ring fenced jobs, complete an application, attend an interview and undergo the college’s recruitment process in order to achieve a fixed term contract and gain paid work as a college employee.

In addition to a supported employment coordinator students on these courses have access to two employment advisors from The Camden Society who work in conjunction with college staff on the Pro-Work project.  

All Learning for Work, Preparing for Adulthood, Skills for Work and IntoWork students participate in world of work/employability lessons including mini enterprise projects examples include tuck shop and catering delivery services. The majority of students on these courses participate in both internal and external work experience.

Students accessing our discrete courses must be between 16-24 years old and have Education, Health and Care plans. All learning support needs will be assessed prior students being offered a place.

Contact Details
020 7258 2819