Durham County Council


DurhamEnable is a Supported Employment service delivered by Durham County Council.

We support County Durham residents aged 18 years or over, who have learning disabilities, mental health needs, autism, or long-term health conditions, to help them find paid employment.

Our Job Coaches offer one-to-one, personalised support to help jobseekers gain the skills and confidence they need to succeed. We also work closely with employers to ensure they can be confident when hiring from our diverse pool of jobseekers. 

Once our jobseekers progress into paid work, we offer in-work support and training to help them settle comfortably into their new role.

How to refer

You can make a referral to DurhamEnable yourself through our website (www.durhamenable.info) or be referred by a family member or carer. If you require support to make a self-referral, you can contact us to be guided through the process. A third-party service can also make a referral on your behalf. This could come from another council service, Jobcentre Plus, care providers, mental health services, or educational establishments.

Who we can support

We can support you if you continue to face significant barriers to entering work as a result of:

  • the long term nature of a disability
  • the potential long term impact of deteriorating mental health

This may be because of a long term diagnosis of a learning disability/difficulty, Autism or a physical or sensory impairment. Additionally, if you have difficulties with mental ill health you can benefit from one to one support to gain work and a progress to better health.

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Contact Details
03000 269 899