Supported Employment Techniques
Supported Employment Techniques
Course dates:
22nd & 23rd February 2024
29th February & 1st March 2024
7th & 8th March 2024
Cost: £500 +vat (members), £625 +vat (non-members)
* 3 places remaining *
This CPD accredited ourse offers a comprehensive overview of the supported employment process. The course is not accredited but is based on the knowledge requirements for the National Occupational Standards for Supported Employment and the underpinning knowledge of the certificate course.
The course will be delivered using Zoom over 6 morning sessions (9.30am to 1pm) and is suitable for Supported Employment practitioners, schools and college tutors and support workers.
The course covers:
- the core values of supported employment
- the principles of vocational profiling
- employer engagement
- job matching
- health & safety and risk assessment
- in-work support and structured training
Further information about the learning aims and content is available on our training pages. Please contact us if you require further information. A booking form is attached below.