Weston College
Into Work (Supported Internship)
Into Work provides a structured study programme for 16 to 24 year olds with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEN&D) who have an EH&CP, who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so.
The programme has one primary aim, wherever possible, support young people to move into paid employment. However, alongside this we will also:
- Equip interns with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace
- Where interns do not transition into paid work, ensure relevant agencies are able to continue job searching and employment support.
The programme will usually run for one academic year. We will work closely with the interns, their circle of support, and host employer to ensure optimal opportunity for successfully gaining paid employment (including, where appropriate, self-employment).
A timetable for an intern could include:
• Workplace Training with a Job Coach
• Mentoring to start a business
• Maths and English development
• Personal and Social development
• Vocational sessions
• Employability skills
• Job Club
Learners must be in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan and fully committed to gaining paid employment.