Unity Works
Unity Works is a charity founded on the work of The Camden Society across the ten London boroughs. The organisation provides a wide range of services for people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable adults including people with mental health needs and physical disabilities.
Our purpose is to enable vulnerable people to improve the quality of their lives. We aim to support people to have the freedom to make choices about how to live one’s life and the chance to gain new skills to be as fully independent as possible, to build networks in the community and build relationships with friends, neighbours and relatives.
We work to achieve this through campaigning, partnership building and the provision of services. These include, employment and vocational training services (including social enterprises cafes, a garden centre, a mailing & fulfilment centre, opportunity to train for and get jobs) and health & wellbeing support (specialist services, social clubs, holiday schemes etc).
Services focus on the key areas of a person’s life: employment, training and health and wellbeing. Our employment and training services in particular have a national reputation for innovation. The strategy of the organisation has always been to develop small community based services, designed in partnership with local stakeholders. Unity Work sees itself as an active agent in transforming communities where people with disabilities are recognised as being valued citizens