United Response

United Response

United Response is a national not for profit organisation which provides support to people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health needs. With over 40 year’s experience, at any one time we support over 1500 people across England and Wales in over 300 locations.

Although we are a large organisation, all our services are led and supported locally, meaning that we are able to be really flexible and person-centred in the support we provide. Our aim is to support each person so that they can live as independently as possible within the community. This includes supporting people to be an active part of their local community and to access mainstream activities and facilities.

We run a number of projects, including supported employment services and a growing range of social enterprises. We also run learning and skills development projects to help people gain the skills, qualifications and confidence they need.

Get support
If you or someone you know is looking for supported employment, you can make an enquiry through our Get Support lines:

  • By calling 0800 0884 377
  • By following the link to the Get Support Form, where you can fill in the details of your enquiry and we will contact you to discuss the support needs
  • By emailing us at Get.Support@unitedresponse.org.uk
Contact Details