Hansel Foundation

Hansel Alliance

Hansel/Foundation/Alliance is a Social Care Provider in Ayrshire and provides a wide range of service models for people with Learning Disabilities.

We provide a range of services across Ayrshire which include Individual Lifestyle Support, Respite Services, Housing Support and Residential Support, Personalisation and Employment Services.

Our Employment Services comprise of a Work Choice Programme which supports customers with disabilities into sustainable employment .Our Employment Advisors tailor employability support to ensure our customers have an opportunity to access employment options.

In our Employment Services we also have Supported Businesses such as Ground Maintenance and a cafe which delivers a high standard of catering within Hansel Alliance and is also open to the public in Ayrshire.

We have a Laundry Service which offers a wide range of services to meet the Local Employer within Ayrshire’s needs as well as the general public.

These Supported Businesses employ people with disabilities to gain employability skills which will enable them to access mainstream employment opportunities.

Please contact:

Carol Montgomery
Employment Services Manager

Tel: 01563-831450
E-mail: carol [dot] montgomery [at] hansel [dot] org [dot] uk

Contact Details