Azure Charitable Enterprises

Azure Charitable Enterprises

Azure Charitable Enterprises provides a wide range of services to people with disability throughout the North East. Our mission is "Improving the lives of people who are disabled or disadvantaged".

At any one time we provide services to hundreds of people with disability. Since the Charity began those who have benefited from our work is numbered in the thousands.

Azure is committed to providing an environment where individual development is nurtured and in which fulfilling careers may be pursued.

Azure has many varying departments; Support Services, Employment Services and Supported Businesses. From these departments a great number of services are delivered; Supported Living, Community Access, Work Choice and Skillsbuilder Training (a Foundation Learning programme).

Our supported businesses include a commercial printing department, landscapes department, garden centre/trade cash & carry as well as horticultural nurseries.

Contact Details
01670 733966
Services offered: