RoATP opening for applications from apprenticeship providers

The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) is about to open for applications from providers wishing to deliver apprenticeships. The register will open for applications on 17 May. Application guidance is available at

All active providers will need to reapply to the register, taking into account a new set of application criteria from May 2021, when all remaining, active providers on the register will be invited to reapply. ESFA will operate a phased reapplication approach throughout 2021 to 2022.

Subject-specific expertise is essential to delivering high-quality apprenticeships that meet the skills needs of apprentices and employers. ESFA are looking for providers to evidence their capacity and expertise and are considering how this may be required beyond the initial application process where providers wish to expand their delivery to new areas.

There have been changes to RoAPT and these include:

  • widening the current set of targeted entry conditions to the register to allow more training providers to enter the register where they can demonstrate they are catering to critical workers, and have a linked employer’s endorsement stating that the provision addresses the skills needs currently of greatest priority.  This will take effect from 1 March 2021 and will be kept under review as needed
  • consider removing any providers from the register that have not delivered training over the most recent 6 month period this will take effect from May 2021
  • requiring all remaining, active providers to reapply to the register, taking into account a new set of application criteria. Remaining providers will be invited to apply when the refresh commences from May 2021
  • As with the previous refresh, providers will be invited to reapply and ESFA intend to operate a phased reapplication approach throughout 2021 to 2022

You can access the new RoATP service here