

For people with a learning disability or autism, there are various barriers to paid employment. Access is an issue, with individuals being prevented from applying for a job because they cannot understand or fill in an application form – something easily resolved by implementing reasonable adjustments. Another issue is other people’s preconceptions of learning disability and autism affecting their employment decisions.

As well as skills training and work experience opportunities, which prepare our members for the world of work, we have connections with several employers to offer paid, supported work to those who want it. We currently have several members in paid employment, including working at M&S and Sainsbury’s. Paid employment not only gives people financial independence, it also allows them to grow in confidence and self-esteem. It helps expand social circles and to make them feel an integral part of their community.

Talkback’s Supported Employment solutions are based on over 20 years’ experience of enabling people with a learning disability or autism to develop and use their skills to enhance their quality of life. This is based on facilitating self-advocacy and building both self-confidence and self-esteem. We want people to be as independent as they are able or want to be. Talkback is about choice, opportunity and respect for all people with a learning disability or autism. We want the same opportunity for everyone and to create a solution that is cost neutral for the council.

The aim of Supported Employment is to work with individuals to support them into successful paid employment of their choice. We want people with a learning disability or autism to feel valued and respected in the workplace and to have the same opportunities as everyone else.

The process of getting someone into employment demands high levels of intervention and support in year 1, with gradual lessening of support over years 2 and 3. Often, an established person with a learning disability or autism in paid employment has unique skills which are of great benefit for many employers.

To access the Talkback Employability programme referrals are made through the local council or people can ask their college tutors to contact Talkback Employability directly. We will assist in the process of transitioning from the educational environment through to the participants journey into the world of work.


Contact Details
01494 434448