London Borough of Havering

London Borough of Havering

The London Borough of Havering provides a wide variety of services for people of all ages who live and/or work in the borough.  One of those services is the Children and Young Adults’ with Disabilities (CAD) Service. 

The CAD Service was established in Sept 2015 as a response to the implementation of the Children and Families Act. It brought together the Special Educational Needs teams and the children with disabilities social care team. The CAD Service is responsible for carrying out statutory educational needs assessments and for planning the process and provision of ongoing support, in an integrated way, to keep children and young people safe through their life stages, from 0-25 years. 

The Service is made up of four teams:

  • Assessment and Placement Team
  • 0-5 Support Team
  • 5-19 Support Team
  • Social Care & Preparation for Adulthood Team

The Service works closely with colleagues across the Council, particularly those in Adults’ Social Care Services and the Employment & Skills Service: Havering Works.

Contact Details
01708 432488
London Borough of Havering
6th Floor, Mercury House
Mercury Gardens