Activate Learning

Activate Learning

Our provision includes secondary, further, and higher education, apprenticeships and workforce training, consultancy, international and learning companies.

Our divisions are united by a common purpose: to transform lives through learning. We believe that everyone should have a chance to achieve their goals, so we offer a range of programmes for learners who need additional support.

Activate Learning is proud of the outstanding and award-winning Supported Foundation Programmes which offer students the opportunity to develop in the exciting setting of a mainstream further education.

Our Pre-Internship course is an award-winning programme designed to prepare, young people with SEND, for a Supported Internship and supported paid work if they have an EHCP.  The program consists of working in a range of services such as retail, postal services, cafés and reprographics. Young people learn how to work independently in these settings with employer progress reviews, job coaching and specific training that support these services, such as GDPR, manual-handling & health & safety training.

Supported Internships are year-long opportunities with rotations in one or several employers that aim to move you into to paid work. This programme provides the essential employability skills and experience by getting hands-on with an employer. The course consists of 3-4 days at work and then 1 day at college. This course is delivered in partnership with Oxfordshire Employment Service.


Contact Details
Tina Castle Group Learning Company Manager 01865 551879
Services offered: