Jersey Employment Trust: Service Review

Year of Publication: 

Jersey Employment Trust has undertaken a full service review, carried out by Dr Mark Kilsby, Julie Allan and Dr Steve Beyer. The review found outstanding practice across both the employment team and the training and development team.

The team now supports 270 people in paid jobs, many of them seasonal, working an average of 24 hours/week. The team has become a preferred supplier of staffing for many local employers.

A financial costs: benefits analysis of JET’s Employment service showed that even with service users earning Minimum Wage levels that the net costs to the Jersey taxpayer is over £5,000 less p.p. p.a. than being unemployed and receiving Income Support only, even without factoring in savings due to reduced alternative day service usage. When we factored in wage rates based on the mean wages by employment sector, the net balance of savings to the taxpayer of the JET service were even more substantial at over £16,400 p.p. p.a.