Knowledge Base

The knowledge base is a free source of information both for supported employment and for disability / employment support generally. In addition to contributions from BASE and its member organisations, the knowledge base also acts as an archive for initiatives such as Valuing People Now.

Listed below are the most recent knowledge base contents that meet your search criteria. To find content, use the filters to select and add topics, a type of content, a publishing source, or a year of publication. Note that many topics require you to select a subtopic from a list which appears after you select the main topic. You can clear your search by clicking Reset.

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Format: 2025
Recruitment, Job retention, Covid-19
Year of Publication: 

Leonard Cheshire has published an excellent report based on the findings from a survey of disabled workers and employers. The survey found that in the UK, 71% of disabled people who were employed in March 2020 have found that their work has been impacted by the pandemic. In Scotland this increases to 82%, in Wales 69% and in Northern Ireland 58%. The Locked Out of the Labour Market report produces a number of recommendations for Government and BASE fully supports them. The recommendations link well with the proposals in the Access to Jobs campaign.

Policy & research organisations
Disability employment gap, Commissioning, Strategy
Year of Publication: 

This report from New Local, formerly the New Local Government Network, argues that the current employment support system, managed by the DWP, can often do more harm than good, leaving people distressed and fearful, and only helping to lift 4% of the group into work every year.

The report argues for greater collaboration between local government, public services, the third sector, businesses and communities with employment support being locally commissioned and embedded.

Millions of people find it difficult, or even impossible, to work due to the impact of disabilities and long-term health conditions. This is often part of a complex picture of wider social disadvantages, which can include issues such as poverty, loneliness and isolation, problems with housing, drug and alcohol addiction, and contact with the criminal justice system.

This has been compounded by record levels of unemployment in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. People who have been out of work for a long time due to this kind of complex disadvantage face not only their existing barriers to employment, but are also now at the back of a queue of millions of people who will find it easier to move into a job.

The report argues that even during periods of low unemployment, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has a poor record of supporting this group into work – only around 4% of those on associated benefits move into employment each year. The system DWP oversees has also often made people’s lives more difficult, exacerbating the stress and anxiety many already live with. Without major reform, the financial costs and human impact will continue to mount. It’s time to radically rethink support for this group.

Commissions & Regulatory Organisations
Year of Publication: 

This report examines the role of HM Treasury and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in implementing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS). The report considers how well the schemes were implemented, recognising the need to deliver at speed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report looks at the implementation of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS). This report considers whether the Departments have:

Other organisations
Self employment
Year of Publication: 

More and more people with learning difficulties are discovering that self-employment and small business ownership can provide fulfilling and sustainable employment opportunities.

Central Government
Work Choice
Year of Publication: 

DWP has published final statistics for the Work Choice programmne which finished delivery in October 2019.

You can read the statistics at


Central Government
Access To Work, Supported Internships
Year of Publication: 

Young people on or about to start the work experience placement of a supported internship, or traineeship with a disability or health condition, can apply to the Department for Work and Pensions' Access to Work fund. Young people can apply for: * funding of travel (providing assistance for additional travel costs to and from their work experience placement because of their disability); * the costs of support workers, including job coaches; and * specialist equipment for days that a young person is at the employer's premises.

Other organisations
Education & training, Understanding needs
Year of Publication: 

Skills Builder is a free resource used in schools, colleges, and workplaces to assess and chart progress on developing the soft skills needed in the workplace. The framework covers the following soft skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Staying positive
  • Aiming high
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork


The framework is now used with 700 organisations. An overview is attached to this page.

Extra support and activities are available at a cost.

Policy & research organisations
Employer Engagement
Year of Publication: 

This paper explores 25 literature reviews and experimental studies on interventions that (could) successfully lead to the integration of disabled persons into the competitive labour market. In spite of the wide scope of health conditions and background characteristics of disabled persons, it is able to identify several ‘incentive boosters’:

(1) work modifications and employer support;

(2) empowerment of, and interaction between the disabled person, the family (in case of severe disabilities), the employer, and other stakeholders;

Supported Internships, Best practice
Year of Publication: 

Project Search has published data about participation and outcomes covering the last 3 years. The dataset shows 515 learners enrolled in 2018-19 with a 93% completion rate. 64% of learners secured paid employment.

The data shows an average wage of £8.71 compared to the National Minimum Wage of £7.70 for people under 25-years. Participation is broken down by age, ethnicity, disability and region. Outcomes are reported by business sector.

Health & Wellbeing
Year of Publication: 

The coronavirus outbreak has affected everyone. But it’s left many autistic people and their families completely stranded. This new report from the National Autistic Society, supported by four other leading autism organisations, highlights the often disproportionate and devastating impact the mental health, wellbeing and education prospects of hundreds of thousands of autistic people and their families.

Together with Ambitious about Autism, Autistica, Scottish Autism, and the Autism Alliance, they are calling on all governments in the UK to create an action plan to protect autistic people and their families from any future waves of the pandemic – and to address existing inequalities by investing in support and services. They are writing an open letter to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak MP, calling on him to invest in autistic people’s futures, ahead of the Spending Review this autumn.
