Careers For All Outline Programme (CPD Certified)
Careers For All Outline Programme (CPD Certified)
The BASE community is drawn from a wide range of sectors and to reflect this we've tried to provide a wider mix of delegate experiences for #BASE2024.
** NEW **
This year in addition to the main conference panel discussions and keynote speakers, delegates will be able to choose from interactive workshops or more informal panel discussions during the usual "workshop" times, plus this years conference will be CPD Certified!
Please note that this is a draft programme and is subject to change.
'Careers For All' Day One 19th November 2024
08:00 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 10:30 Invited- Liz Kendall Secretary Of State for Work & Pensions
10:30 - 11:00 Keynote
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break/Networking
11:30 - 12:30 Workshop/Panel A
- Panel Discussion: Different Approaches Education to Employment
- Workshop: Supporting Supported Employment: A new set of SEQF Fidelity Resources
- Workshop: Job Analysis - Reviving our lost skill
- Workshop: Setting up and running an effective Employer Forum
- Workshop: Steps into Self Employment
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:15 Dream Big! How everyone can have high career aspirations
14:15 - 14:55 Keynote : Jamie Shields sponsored by Parrallel Lifestyle
15:00 -16:00 Workshop/Panel B
- Panel Discussion - Supporting neurodivergent creatives into employment
- Workshop: Access to Work - where we are now
- Workshop: 5 Ways to Get the Best Results from Employer Engagement Phone Activities
- Workshop: Developing stakeholder relationships to empower young people to enter the workplace. The crucial link between schools and employers
- Workshop: How the SEQF and IPS Model have been used from a Commissioner’s and Provider’s Perspective to embed quality
16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break
16:15 - 16:30 Keynote, Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester
16:30-18:00 Time to freshen up ready for the Conference Dinner
Conference Dinner & Awards Presentation
18:00-18:30 Drinks on Arrival and Networking
18:30-20:00 BASE Awards
20:00-21:30 Two Course Dinner [ Main & Dessert ]
21:30 - Late Live Band
'Careers For All' Day Two 20th November 2024
08:00- 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:05 Welcome
09:05 - 09:15 Lee Corless Associate Sponsor, Rangam
09:15 - 09:50 Why finding the right job, not just any job, is crucial to successful pathways into employment!
- Dr Katy Jones, Associate Professor in Employment & Head of Decent Work & Productivity at Manchester Metropolitan University
- Ian Turner, Chief of People & Place, UA92
- Andy Powlson, DWP, Strategic Relationship Team
- Ian MacArthur, Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter
10:00 -11:00 Workshop/Panel C
- Panel Discussion: Research Findings
- Workshop: Be the Solution - The Role of Employment Academies in Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
- Workshop: Skills and Strengths - Right Here, Right Now!
- Workshop: Setting Up Supported Internships - What you need to know
- Workshop: Unleashing the power of communication
11:00 - 11:25 Coffee Break and transfer to workshops
11:25 -12:25 Workshop/Panel D
- Workshop: Workforce Development in the sector
- Workshop: Supported Internship Quality Assurance Framework - Why Quality Matters
- Workshop: Offline and Accessible Solutions for an Inclusive Workplace
- Workshop: Supporting Neurodivergent People to Better Understand Themselves, to Enable Employment Success
- Panel Discussion: Successful Supported Employment in Local Authorities
12:30 -13:30 Lunch
13:35-14:20 Meeting the demand for diverse employment pathways
- Julia Gault DWP
- Rachael Leah Department for Education
- Olivia Grimsley Amazon
- Sam Everard, SAMEE Charity
- Alistair Kerr, BASE Scotland
14:25 -15:25 Workshop/Panel E
- Panel Discussion: Ways to engage employers
- Workshop: How to reach the fruit high up on the tree - Supported Employment for Learning Disabilities
- Workshop: Follow Along Support and Career Development
- Workshop: Unlocking Career Potential: An Interactive Workshop with The Careers & Enterprise Company
- Workshop: National Supported Employment Programme-Connect to Work
- Workshop: How to Write a Compelling Funding Proposal
15:30- 15:45 Closing Remarks